Saturday, July 28, 2012

5 Tips for an I Adore You Letter

A carefully written letter that fully expresses all the feelings you have welling up inside of you is just perfect for those early days of a relationship. And even if you’ve been with your partner for months or years, taking the time to surprise them with a love letter can bring all those starry-eyed moments rushing right back. If you’re one of those people who sometimes has trouble expressing yourself in person, that’s all the more reason to write your loved one a letter to prove to them that you have emotions that are just as deep as anyone’s.

1. Find the right mood.

Before writing a letter that fully expresses your innermost thoughts and feelings, it’s important to be in the right state of mind. Don’t just dash off something and send it out before you’ve thought about what you really want to say. Find a quiet moment to meditate on the points you want to put in the letter, and write them down as they come.

2. Use the right stationery.

The medium you choose sends a message just as surely as the words themselves. Sure, you can write a romantic email or text message to your significant other, but a handwritten letter gives you the opportunity to bring a more personal and creative touch to what you’re trying to say. Pick a clean, unrumpled sheet of paper, avoiding notebook paper or anything that seems cheap.

3. Choose a theme. 

It isn’t such a great idea to ramble in a love letter. Try not to put in every stray thought, or you might lose track of what you’re meaning to say. The best thing to do is write a draft of your letter before you write the real one, so that you can read it over and make sure that it sends a clear, powerful message. Remember that you don’t need to touch on every single point right then and there—your words will carry far more weight if they all relate to an identifiable subject.

4. Write what you feel.

It is critical to be as honest as possible in a romantic letter. At the same time, try to avoid sounding mushy. Using too many clichés or corny lines can, ironically, make you come off as insincere. Sometimes, the best way to express a complicated emotion is to state it simply. Write what is in your heart, don’t hang on to your preconceptions, and your love letter will be more moving than you ever thought possible.

5. Stay short and sweet.

As tempting as it is to go on and on describing how much you adore your beloved, a shorter letter will have a much greater impact. Emotional messages are at their most powerful when they are shortened, as this condenses and concentrates their meaning. Know what you want to say beforehand, and say it as simply and honestly as you can. Your lover will melt into a puddle of delight when they see how you really feel!

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