Saturday, July 28, 2012

I'm Sorry Letters

Even in the happiest relationship, there are times when somebody says something they wish they could take back, and an outburst of anger can cause the lovers to separate for a while.? But if your boyfriend or girlfriend isn’t speaking to you, it can be difficult for you to let them know how sorry you feel. This is exactly the situation that calls for a heartfelt apology letter. A letter can speak the words that you are unable to say, but you have to be sure to choose them carefully.

1.)I'm so sorry


I know you're not talking to me, but I hope you'll read this. I am SO sorry for (insert what you did here). It was a stupid thing to do and I knew that even when I was doing it. I love you so much but when you (insert behavior) , it drives me nuts. I know you don't mean anything by it, but I'm so insecure when it comes to your love.

You're so (good looking/beautiful) and smart and you could have any (guy/gal) you wanted, so why are you with me? I know you're always telling me that you love me, but I still can't believe it, I guess. I'm such a (dumb bunny/jerk) sometimes. Remember the time I (insert stupid mistake here)? I'm still amazed that you didn't just tell me to get lost that (night/day), but you didn't. You were really understanding and even (insert something nice she/he did here).

And now I've done it again. Just because you (insert action here), I gave you a hard time and accused you of (insert behavior here). Can you forgive me? Is there any way I can make it up to you and get out of the doghouse? I miss you, Honey, and I promise if you'll talk to me, I'll (insert something he/she wants you to do that you've resisted doing). I'll do anything I have to do to keep your love. Anything.

If you can find it in your heart to give me another chance, please call me at (insert place here). I don't care what you interrupt. Nothing is more important than our relationship. If you don't call, I'll keep writing, but I promise I won't bother you with phone calls or visits. I know I've really made you angry and I understand that you don't want to see me right now. You have no idea how badly I want that to change.

Yours and only yours,

2.)I'm sorry I hurt you...

My love,

I am so very, very sorry I hurt you. I love you and can't bear the thought that I've lost the best thing in my life. I did not intend to belittle you or make you feel any less of a woman. I made a mistake and I want to do whatever it takes to prove to you just how sorry I am. This is why I wrote this love letter saying sorry to you.

I am reminded of our third date; oh, how my heard soared the second I saw your beautiful, smiling face. Your presence energized the room; I was afraid someone would try to stop you from continuing to our table!

I am writing this love letter saying sorry to you and to ask if you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I am sincerely sorry and I will never speak to you like that again.

Loving you forever,

5 Rules for Writing an “I’m Sorry” Letter

1. Sincerely apologize.

Of course, the entire point of an “I’m Sorry” letter is to say that you’re sorry! The key here is to sound as sincere as you possibly can. Read over the words you write and try to eliminate any hint of sarcasm or resentment. In this situation, simple phrases often carry more weight than flowery language. Let the raw emotion of your remorse speak for you, and it will melt your loved one’s heart right away.

Example: Honey, I am so, so sorry for what I did. I realize now that it was such a stupid thing to do.

2. Tell them you miss them.

Let your lover know that their absence is a hole in your life. Once they realize how much you regret your actions and how badly you want them back, it will help to make their anger disappear. Again, be as sincere as possible when you tell them how much you miss them. Express the pain you feel at not having them near you.

Example: I look around me, and I can’t believe that you’re not here. The world feels so dark and empty without you.

3. Don’t make accusations.

Perhaps the argument made you angry as well, and so you should explain your feelings. Do not, however, insinuate that it was all your lover’s fault! You don’t want your apology letter to seem passive-aggressive and insincere. Acknowledge what happened, but continue to be remorseful that it occurred.

Example: When I remember how angry I got over what you said, I can hardly believe it now. I was mad, but that anger wasn’t worth any of this.

4. Remember the good times.

Bring up the shared memory of one of your most romantic dates, or a time when you helped one another through a crisis. This will help your loved one to remember all the reasons that they love you, and will make them want to come back. Choose a moment that was one of the best times in your relationship, and talk about how much it meant to you.

Example: When I think of how you looked on our third date, and how your smile just lit up the whole room, I can barely remember the reason we’re fighting now.

5. Leave the door open.

Make it clear that you want to see them and talk to them again, and that mending your relationship is your first priority. Don’t be pushy—you need to allow your partner to make the first move, so don’t set any deadlines or ultimatums. Let them know that you want to talk, then leave it at that.

Example: I understand if you don’t want to talk to me right now, but I want you to know that if you call or show up, I’ll drop whatever I’m doing so we can work this out.

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